My Progress

Friday, August 19, 2011

I finally had my stomach glued on Friday. I was on the other side of town by 7am, in the operating room by 9am and on my way home again by 12:30. I picked up my 6yo from school.
It all went well. I was not allowed to lift anything heavy for a day or so. My side has slowed it's leaking. I still have a bit of infection in there. But I have antibiotics. The amount coming out has certainly slowed, and the stretching of the bottom muscle of my stomach has reduced the pressure built up from eating.
It does mean I have to be careful, because I am not feeling as full, so there is a risk of eating more. I also run the risk of dumping syndrome if I eat anything too rich. I've noticed milk isn't too friendly again.

Now, I need to work on self discipline. It would help if I wasn't up at 1am writing a blog. Now, writing a blog is ok, it's just the time that I'm doing it at which is a little bit of an issue.
Just trying to get some control in a situation that I'm feeling a little out of control of.

Til next time,

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