My Progress

Monday, April 12, 2010

General Chit chat. And Major Waffle. Lol.

Well, my girl went back to school today. She looked so happy to be back in her uniform. I now have to go and get ready for bowling.

It's raining outside. Apparently yesterday was the first day since November that the temperature had dropped below 20 degrees in Melbourne. We had to put jumpers on, it was weird. :-)

I didn't get much done yesterday. The kitchen is a bit tidier.

This afternoon I am going to get the food I need to help survive the next 3 weeks. Nerves are starting to kick in.

but I have to take it one day at a time. Three weeks feels like forever. But I have to succeed or the surgeon wont do my surgery. That's a pretty big incentive to keep going.

Must go hop in the shower. I have to prebowl my last game this morning.

til next time,

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I did some painting yesterday. I was looking at some real estate on the computer, but then once again realised that I'm not going to be able to buy any of them if I don't get this house on the market. So some undercoat was done. I'd washed the most feral cupboard doors ever. Who puts louvered doors in a laundry? Seriously? they look heaps better, though. Just need to be painted now.

I was planning to paint this morning while the kids were at playgroup with Dad, but forgot that Ken was ditching playgroup today in favour of going to a car show. Hope it absolutely buckets down on them!!
So I didn't paint, I stayed in bed with the girls. :-) It was a nice morning. Last one before school goes back tomorrow.

but this afternoon I paint. It's nice to see I'm achieving something. We will get there.

Til Next time,

Friday, April 9, 2010

My optifast is sitting at the post office. :-) I visited a friend who's had a baby today and the package came while I was out. Oh well, I'll pick it up in the morning. I had to have my baby fix. She's tiny and got the most gorgeous head of reddy brown hair. So cute.

I wasn't going to go anywhere today, but after I got a text message, I couldn't resist. I'm glad I did, cos her 6yo daughter needed some friends to play with. And it was lovely to see them. My poor friend has had 2 kids 11 months apart. She's got a job and a half ahead. I'm jealous as. :-)

I've finished watching NCIS, so I'll get some decent sleep now. lol. I was up until after 3am this morning watching the last of them. I wont be doing that again for a while. I slept this morning away and wanted to sleep the afternoon too. Very silly.

...I wrote this last night and forgot to publish. I fell asleep around 1/4 to 1 this morning. A bit better. Now I'm off to get dressed and off to the post office. Gee, I live an exciting life. :-P

Til next time,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I ordered my optifast today. Next Thursday I begin my pre-op liver shrinking!! It's starting to become real now. In just under a month I'll in Hospital having my Gastric Sleeve done. How fast the last 6 months have gone since I first called to make an appointment with the surgeon.

It's hard to believe the changes that are going to happen. There will be hard times, when I regret having it done. Sometimes I have fleeting thoughts that it's too drastic, that if I just got off my arse and did what I was supposed to do, I could succeed. It's all my own laziness, lack of drive, lack of willpower.

This is going to be a tool for me to succeed. It's not a magic cure. I have spent the last couple of weeks saying goodbye. To smorgasbords, to souvlaki, to Hungry Jacks, to tim tam cheesecake.
I'm not saying I'll never have any of it again. But for the next year, I'll be eating like a baby again. I'll need high quality food that will help me maintain my energy, my vitamins and minerals, my health. There will literally be no room for junk.

I will succeed at this. I have chosen the best tool for me. I just have to have the confidence in myself that I will use it well.

8 days and counting.

Til next time,

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Just finished season 4. OMG!! I hadn't seen all of them. I have kids now, so don't get to watch my favourite shows, or have the memory to record them.

I have only one season to go. :-)

I have only 9 days til I start Optifast. I only have 3 weeks of optifast. hehehe, I say "only", but I'll be bitching and whinging for a lot of it.

My life is so exciting right now. I spent yesterday recovering from Easter Sunday. Lots of chocolate in the house. But not as much as last year. The girls got less from us, and they got a little bit from a few people. As it was 3yo was not feeling well Sunday night.

Today is another day of not much. Slept the morning away in the recliner.

Wow, this is a blog worth bookmarking today. :-) But at least it's written. Even if it is boring.

Til next time,

Monday, April 5, 2010

Every time I get a TV series on DVD, I stay up til ridiculous hours to watch them. At the moment I'm watching NCIS. I have 5 series to watch. I'm up to series 4.

2 o'clock in the morning and I'm still watching. This is crazy. The kids still get up at around 7:30. No wonder I'm tired. Purely self inflicted.

But I love the show so much. :-)

Quiet day today.

Til next time,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's Sunday night. I have spent the day with the extended family. It was fun, except for all the wasps that were hanging around. I hate wasps.

We had a good time at a playground. It had shade and a BBQ, The kids ran around lots. It was a long walk to the playground, afterwards we trekked back to a cafe and had a cuppa.

I am now exhausted, I don't know how much sense this will make. Just feel I need to write something each day, so I can at least look back at my life and see I've done something.

The girls had a lovely morning. They got an egg decorating kit and set to work decorating a chocolate egg and eating the left over lollies before attacking the egg itself. It was a little egg hunt this morning, with the house in a mess from painting, there really aren't many hiding spots.

Til next time,

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Today is Easter Saturday. We have left the hot cross bun domain and are entering the day of chocolate. This is the last Easter I will be pigging out on Chocolate. This time next year I will have had my tiny tummy for almost a year. The last few weeks have been time to say goodbye to my old habits.

I know it's not healthy. I went to a buffet on Thursday. It was interesting. This particular place has an absolutely brilliant dessert bar. So I go easy on the mains and crazy on the dessert. Whereas other places I'll go mad on the mains and eat the dessert just cos it's there. There is no logic to my mind when it comes to food.

But anyway, I start Optifast on the 15th of April, so I am now winding down my goodbyes to junk food. We're off to a restaurant on Wednesday, then I have a chocolate High tea on the 11th...

...oh jees, what am I doing? I haven't been out this much in ages!!!

I know I'll be able to have the "evil" foods after the surgery. It's just that I am rather obsessive and when it comes to chocolate, it's just best that we avoid each other. So it's time to say "so long". At least after the 11th. :-P

The one thing that I didn't want to have happen did last week, a kid at school turned to my daughter and said "your mum's fat". I was going to be at goal weight by the time she started school. She wasn't going to go through this. Now the word "fat" is a bad word and I don't know how to deal with it. It's term one in prep, she shouldn't have to go through all this already.